Friday, August 15, 2008

WoW: Activision and Blizzard merger (Preface Article)

So now that it's in stone... the dust has settled a little and we're getting an idea of what the Activision Blizzard landscape will look like, what changes may come and how will it impact the game?

Well firstly, anyone who tells you everything is fine and nothing will change is a liar. That or they've never studied corporate mergers. You always say everything is fine, everything makes sense in the merger/acquisition, nothing will change, and worrying is for wimps.

In reality, everything changes, people leave, people are fired, resources (often a VERY large amount) are expended on merging departments and groups rather than working on company business and products/production, and worse. As for morale... well during a merger or acquisition often the topic is better addressed by the phrase "What's morale?"

I found an excellent Gamasutra article on the merger that we'll use as the foundation for a few posts here. If you'd like to familiarize yourself with the article head on over there and check it out (CLICK HERE TO VIEW LINKED ARTICLE).

The next few articles will address the executive quotes/comments individually. We'll give you a heads-up as to what's b.s. and what may be true. Stay tuned!

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