I saw this story originally on Massively (LINK TO ORIGINAL STORY). And personally I've been impressed with Funcom's initial numbers. Yes they lost 50% of their player base, but that was hype-base and having tried the game I can tell you it's quite fun until you reach level 80.
50% of their players still makes for around ~400,000 subscribers (which doesn't indicate how many are actually playing or how much). Which to be fair is quite good for this early in it's launch (yes I know it's been around a few months now, I still consider that early).
HOWEVER, when I see large player base losses COMBINED with a CEO trying to get what cash he can out of the company before it's worthless, then my friend I call SHENANIGANS. If you're a shareholder of Funcom, I'd say swim away before it sinks.
What do you think? Is it just a coincidence that a person with all the inside information doesn't think his company is worth investing in? Do you excuse the sale as simply diversifying his portfolio as any responsible investor would do? To that I would say HOOEY AND PSHAW! A CEO's transactions, especially around those of shares in his own company, send messages to the marketplace. This message is bleak and getting bleaker everyday.
R.I.P. Age of Conan, I loved your game-play so much that I overlooked all your horrible flaws, terrible code, and constant client crashes all the way to 80. I hope that I'm wrong and that later when you've fixed a few things up that there is something great to return to, if not there's always Warhammer, right?
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